Rewilding scheme approved for grassland in Winsford

An area in Winsford approved for the new managed grasslands project.
A managed grassland project has been approved, which will see areas of Winsford boosting biodiversity.
Selected grassed sections of green space will be removed from the usual fortnightly cutting schedule, to be cut once in spring and then again in the autumn. Allowing any wild flowering plants to establish themselves naturally.
The new natural grassland areas will benefit creatures great and small from the humble beetles and other insects, right up to the barn owls that venture out at night looking for food.
The scheme will add 43,000 square metres to the National Nature Recovery Scheme, which has also seen the Council create 101 native wildflower meadows across the borough. The project is now in its second year. The new scheme will now see natural species of grasses and plants growing unaided, without the need to sow seed.
Careful consideration was given in selecting these sites, choosing areas that will not directly impact local community life. Some small areas must still be mowed to prevent encroachment on roadways and paths, as well as sight lines at road junctions around subway entrance points and pedestrian crossings.
The Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore, said:
This is great news. Our StreetCare teams plan to mow winding pathways through the managed grassland areas, so people can walk through them enjoying nature in all its glory. The Council is keen to find other sites around other towns and villages specifically for rewilding. If you have a site you think may be suitable please contact the Council's Your Streets team at: and our officers will look into the viability of transforming that area too.
Council teams currently cut around 3.2 million square metres of grassed areas across the whole borough.