Final collections of garden waste bins

The Council’s free garden waste collection service is ending, with the last collections taking place on residents’ usual collection days between 22 November and 5 December.
Residents are reminded to put out their garden waste bins for collection this month, the last time that they will be emptied free of charge.
The Council’s free garden waste collection service is ending, with the last collections taking place on residents’ usual collection days between 22 November and 5 December.
From Spring 2022, a new £40 per year chargeable service will launch, which residents will pay for on an annual subscription basis.
Residents can choose to subscribe to this collection service or make alternative arrangements. The income generated through the charges will be used to support the delivery of the waste collection service.
Further information will be provided in the coming weeks about how to sign up to use this service.
Cheshire West and Chester Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Cllr Karen Shore, said: “Please remember to put out your garden waste bins this month, it will be the final time we will be collecting them as a free service.
“We are facing unique challenges as a Council, with a climate emergency and an unprecedented squeeze on finances. Therefore, as part of our new Waste Management Strategy, we made the decision to introduce a chargeable garden waste collection service from Spring 2022 to run a more cost-effective waste collection service in the future.
“The Waste Management Strategy was created following a consultation in January this year. More than 73 per cent of those who responded agreed with the Council’s key priorities for the waste strategy. They are to reduce overall waste, maximise recycling and deliver an efficient and cost-effective service.
“More information on how residents can subscribe to garden waste collection from Spring 2022 will be available shortly but, in the meantime, we encourage people to put out their garden waste bins for final collection.”
The new chargeable garden waste collection service is part of the Council’s new Waste Management Strategy, which seeks to encourage residents to reduce the amount of waste the borough produces, to compost more and to recycle more.
The changes also include the introduction of larger capacity recycling bins. Food waste collections will continue to be weekly.
For more information about changes to the Waste and Recycling Service in Cheshire West and Chester, visit: