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Council asks for help to identify large scale fly tip offender

March 24, 2025
Average read time: 2 minutes

Cheshire West and Chester Council is asking for help from local residents and commuters who use the A49 near Tarporley to identify a large scale fly tip offender.

The Council’s Regulatory Services team recently received a report of fly tipping on the southbound layby of the A49 at Tarporley. It consisted of 17 one-tonne sacks of a soil type waste.

Although the report was only received by the Council in the last week, the waste may have been there for three to four weeks.

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Neighbourhood Pride, Councillor Stuart Bingham said:

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Most people who have seen the sacks quite reasonably considered they had been placed there by the Council, or other contractors, for work to be carried out in the area. This is why it has been left in plain sight and not even considered as fly tipping for a few weeks.

I saw them myself last week and had no idea it was a fly tip.  I am horrified that a company or individual thinks it’s OK to do dump their waste for other people to clear up, that they think it’s fine for council tax payers to foot the bill for their criminality.

A fly tip of this scale cannot have gone unnoticed, a large HGV with crane facilities must have been used, and we are sure this can’t have gone entirely without witness.  We ask anyone who might have seen these sacks being placed in the area to contact us with any information they may have: Dates, times or possibly any dashcam footage.  Someone may also recognise these bags as having come from their work site.  If so, please let us know who took them away.
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Cllr Bingham

This is fly tipping of an unusually excessive scale and the Council will do everything to try and identify the offenders and take robust enforcement action.

Anyone with information they think may assist can contact the Regulatory Service team at: or on: 01244 973708.