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Borough scoops more North West in Bloom accolades

October 28, 2022
Average read time: 3 minutes

Following on from last year's success, North West in Bloom judges have awarded even more top accolades for locations and projects in Cheshire West and Chester.

The Council's whole borough entry including Chester in the Large City category scooped a Silver Gilt, as well as the 2022 Award for Commercial Effort.

The Local Authority Large Parks Gold Medal was awarded to Marbury Park and in the Small Park category Alexandra Park in Chester, also received a Gold. A first-time entry for Rivacre County Park also secured a Silver Gilt in the Small Park category.

This is the result of the hard work of many 'Friends of' groups and volunteers across the borough being recognised by the North West in Bloom judges who visited the area during the summer.

Other award winners included towns, villages, schools, farms, a food hub, a station and a cemetery. Hadlow Station received both a Level 5 Outstanding Award and a 2022 Heritage Award.

The Council's Director of Environment and Communities, Maria Byrne said:

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I'm delighted the Council was able to support so many wonderful entries for this year's North West in Bloom competition and I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks and warmest congratulations to all the volunteers and groups involved in improving their community and bringing people together to make a positive change to the place they live, work or spend their leisure time.

We were very proud of what we were able to show the judges and the results reflect the hard work of everyone involved in this year’s entries. This is a wonderful way to recognise the achievements of organisations and community groups across west Cheshire. Together, we can ensure our borough continues to thrive, long into the future and the results can be built upon to further improve our natural environment.
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The results

  • Large City - Silver Gilt and 2022 Award for Commercial Effort (Chester city centre)
    North West in Bloom with the RHS Chester City Centre / Cheshire West and Chester Council
  • Local Authority Parks large - Gold Medal Award
    North West in Bloom with the RHS - Marbury Park
  • Local Authority Parks small - Gold Medal Award
    North West in Bloom with the RHS - Alexandra Park, Hoole
  • Local Authority Park Small - Silver Gilt Medal Award
    North West in Bloom with the RHS - Alexandra Park, Chester
  • Local Authority Park Small - Silver Medal Awards
    North West in Bloom with the RHS - Grosvenor Park, Chester

The following entries were also supported by the Council:

  • Capenhurst and Ledsham Villages in Bloom (Gold Award) Village Category Cambridge Road Primary School (2022 Award Schools Category)
  • Cambridge Road Primary School (Community champions and Young Champions Award 2022)
  • Friends of Hadlow Road Station (In Your Neighbourhood, Level 5 Outstanding)
  • Friends of Hadlow Road Station (2022 Heritage Award)
  • Ellesmere Port in Bloom, Silver Award (Large Town Category)
  • Friends of Mount Farm Way Pond (In Your Neighbourhood, Level 4 Thriving)
  • Overleigh Cemetery, Chester (In Your Neighbourhood, Level 4 Thriving)
  • Acton Bridge Community Association (In Your Neighbourhood, Level 4 Thriving)
  • Cheshire Food Hub Garden, Northwich (In Your Neighbourhood, Level 5 Outstanding)