Managing an outbreak in your business setting

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how important it is to manage hygiene, health and safety and business continuity in our business settings.
Top tips for employers:
- Keep up-to-date business risk assessments that include risks from infectious disease. Preventative measures will include
- asking staff to diligently look out for symptoms.
- encourage eligible staff to get fully vaccinated to protect themselves and other staff members.
- good levels of ventilation
- good standards of hand hygiene
- regular touch-point cleaning
- Inform staff to stay at home if they are unwell so as not to spread disease. Make provision for staff to work from home, if possible.
- Update business continuity plans
- Monitor levels of illness / absence in your business.
- Seek help from the local outbreak management hub if you are concerned about a severe disruption to your business operation indicated by:
- A higher than previously experienced and/or rapidly increasing number of staff absences due infection / symptoms.
- Evidence of severe disease, for example if a staff member is admitted to hospital.
- Working safety during COVID-19
- General risk assessment (this will now include infection control)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): working safely
Contact us
For business outbreak management advice not addressed by the linked guidance please email your completed outbreak management recording from to:
Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm.