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Commonside Tip

Commonside Tip is located northeast of Alvanley village, near Helsby, Cheshire. The site was originally a small, steep-sided valley which was used as a landfill between the late 1950s and the mid-1970s.

The site received waste from a range of local industries, including petrochemical companies, cable and vehicle manufacturers and electricity generators. This waste was reported to contain various contaminants, including polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs) which do not readily degrade in the environment. After landfilling operations ended, the site returned to rough grassland and has remained like this.

In 2004, an investigation was started by Vale Royal Borough Council to assess if the tip met the legal definition of Contaminated Land, as required under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Work was ongoing when Vale Royal Borough Council was amalgamated into the newly formed Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council.

In 2009, we concluded that, based on the assessments undertaken, the tip did not meet the definition of Contaminated Land and investigations were drawn to a close. Periodic site visits have taken place since.

In autumn 2023 the Environmental Protection Team commenced a review of the site, comprising:

  • collation and review of all relevant information and records
  • investigation of legal land ownership
  • site visits
  • discussion with adjacent landowners, residents, the Parish Council and local Councillors
  • liaison with the Environment Agency, UK Health Security Agency and United Utilities

We commissioned specialist consultants to undertake sampling in spring 2024, in order to understand the current environmental condition. . This involved taking water and sediment samples around the Commonside Tip area, including nearby Foxhill Brook. The test results of this sampling exercise can be viewed below:

We have written to the Environment Agency, the regulator for controlled waters and water quality, as part of a formal consultation process and for advice.

United Utilities

Many residents will be aware that public drinking water is extracted from deep underground at the Foxhill pumping station in Alvanley by United Utilities. To reassure the public, United Utilities have provided us with the following statement:

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‘The water that is extracted from the bore hole at Foxhill is subject to routine testing, as are all drinking water supplies. The quality of this is consistently good. Since being made aware of concerns about PCBs we have conducted enhanced testing, these were also clear. We will continue to carry out these additional tests.

We have a proactive catchment management team who work to inform, understand and mitigate risks to raw water quality at all of our abstraction points. The team works closely with the Environment Agency groundwater team to address, mitigate and monitor any risks identified’.
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United Utilities

Cheshire West and Chester Council Motion

The Council passed a motion on 18 July 2024 for a Cabinet working group to investigate Commonside Tip.

The motion proposes that the Cabinet working group will examine in detail the approach to this area as well as important wider issues, with the aim of producing a report to Cabinet within six months.

The task and finish group will include a meeting at which members of the public will be invited to share their representations with the members of the group.

Contaminated land investigations are governed by legislation and informed by professional scientific advice and evidence. It is only that which can and will be taken into account when making assessments.

The Task and Finish Group:

Will receive regular updates on the work of officers to determine whether the land known as Commonside Tip, Alvanley, presently meets the legal definition of contaminated land under Part 2A of the Act. To review progress and outcomes of this work and report to Cabinet, as it considers appropriate. In doing so the Group will:

  • Review the work done and proposed to be done by officers to carry out investigations into whether the site meets the legal definition of contaminated land;
  • Consider and review any determinations made by officers on whether the land meets the definition;
  • Report to Cabinet as appropriate on progress and outcomes.

AECOM appointed

In February 2025, following a competitive procurement process, the Council appointed AECOM to carry out investigations into the Commonside site.

This investigation will be key to providing the information required to enable the Council to determine whether the site meets the legal definition of contaminated land.

AECOM is a multi-disciplinary consultancy with a national presence in all the key regional centres of the UK, with approximately 100 staff working in its remediation team across 16 office locations. They have extensive experience in the investigation, assessment and mitigation of historical landfills.

Phase One

The first phase is anticipated to take about four months to complete, the outcome of which will inform whether a second phase of work is necessary.

We will continue to progress this matter as a priority and this page will be updated with additional information as the review progresses.


If there are any enquiries about Commonside Tip, please contact